The Frank Leverett Award

The Frank Leverett Award was created in 1992 and is the most presitguous honour in Australian Football umpiring in the Canberra region. It is an acknowledgement of a person who has provided outstanding and meritorius service to the Association and umpiring. Nominations are called for in June and it may only be awarded to a maximum of one person per year.

Frank Leverett umpired from 1969 until the end of the 1988 season and, in that time, became the first Field Umpire to officiate in 300 First Grade Men's matches - a record that still remains for the Field Umpire discipline. He served as President of the Association in 1972 and was made a Life Member of the Association in 1978. Following his long and distinguished umpiring career Frank has served as a member and chairperson of the AFL Canberra Tribunal.

Members of the Association can submit nominations to the Executive of potentially worthy recipients for the Frank Leverett Award at any during the season. The Executive considers the nominations it has received and confirms eligibility of the nominees for consideration by the Membership. The formal criteria for nominations and conferring of the award can be found on this page after the list of award winners.

The full list of recipients of the Frank Leverett Award are:

Year    Winner

1991    Brian Lee-Archer

1992    Ian Towers

1993    Michael Stinziani

1994    Matthew Butler

1995    Paul Debeus

1996    Peter White

1997    Evelyn White

1998    Michael Kennealy

1999    Dave Bryant

2000    Lawrence Hosking

2001    Bedri Sainovski

2002    Aaron Broughton

2003    James Savage

2004    Greg Healy

2005    Peter Auld

2006    Cedric Seveque

2007    Jo Healy

2008    James Savage

2009    Ross Norgate

2010    Glen Swan

2011 - 2014  **No recipients

2015    Brian Campbell

2016    Tom Izzard

2017 - 2020  **No recipients

2021    Colin Larter

2022    Anthony Roberts

2023    Scott Gurney

2024    Andrew Scotford


The criteria for awarding the Frank Leverett Award is as follows:

  • The Award is to recognize and honour outstanding and meritorious service to the Association and/or umpiring in the Canberra region.
  • ‘Meritorious service’ can be interpreted broadly as seen fit by the Membership. For example, it could involve either consistent service over an extended period of time, or extraordinary service on a specific project or activity.
  • A person must be a current Member of the Association to be eligible to receive the Award.
  • A person may receive the Award multiple times.
  • No more than one person may receive the Award per calendar year.

The process for conferring the Award is:

  • Nominations are to be open at all times, however the Committee should formally solicit nominations by 1 June each year at a time they determine is most appropriate.
  • Nominations must be received by 30 June in order to be considered in that calendar year. Nominations received after that date will be considered in the following calendar year.
  • Nominations must be made by a Member of the Association and seconded by another Member of the Association.
  • Members cannot self-nominate or second their own nomination.
  • All nominations will be reviewed by the Association Committee so as to confirm the eligibility of the nominations for consideration by the Membership.
  • Should a member of the Committee be the nominee, nominator or seconder, they shall be excused from the discussion.
  • The ‘Eligible Nominations' will then be presented for consideration to the Members in a secret ballot, which can be held at a time and in a manner as determined by the Committee.
  • If there is only one 'Eligible Nomination', a secret ballot simple-majority vote will be held by the Membership to determine if the Award is conferred on the nominee.
  • If there are multiple 'Eligible Nominations', a secret ballot first-past-the-post vote will be held by the Membership that contains all Eligible Nominees and a 'None' option. The Award is conferred on the nominee that receives the most votes, or will not be conferred if 'None' receives the most votes.
  • The award, if conferred, is then presented at the Annual AFLCUA Presentation and Awards Night, or similar alternate event.

For clarity: 'Member' includes Life Members, and in the event of a tied vote the Chairperson of the meeting will cast the determining vote.



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