Uniform and Kit

The AFLCUA has produced the following quick-reference guide to help remind new (and returning) umpires what they need in terms of unifom and kit/gear. Items in BOLD are the essentials while other items are optional depending uopn your umpiring discipline.

Most of these items can be bought via the official Umpire AFL supplier 'Project Clothing'.

Fieldies (including Junior Umpires):




First Year Umpire tips/deals

  • First Year Umpires can buy red coloured items (wristbands/caps) to signify that they are 'new' umpires. This is not mandatory and is a personal choice.
  • Consult with your Discpline Coach and your fellow umpires to confirm which 'bundle' and/or individual items are best for you. You might also find some umpires have a spare-kit and/or second-hand gear that they can share with you or help you save money.
    • For example, the Goal Umpire 'Membrane Jacket' on its own may not be as effective for the cold Canberra climate. The Goal Umpire Coach and/or other senior Goal Umpires can provide you with options for other layering and/or jacket options.
  • The AFLCUA recommends you consider buying at least two of everything so that way you have a spare set in the event you misplace something, it gets damaged, or inadvertently misses your weekly washing day. You will also save on shipping costs if you buy two sets at the same time.


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